Opening sales is two easy steps - confirming the event and setting it to public.
To begin, log in to your administrator portal, then access your department by clicking GO TO DEPARTMENT and navigating into your department hosting your event.
First, you will need to confirm the event.
1. Under the BOX OFFICE header on the left side, click EVENTS.
2. Click EVENT MANAGER next to the event for which you wish to open sales.
3. Click the EVENT INFORMATION button along the top header bar.
4. Under the STAGE section on the right, click CONFIRM NOW.
5. In the popup, check the check box and click CONFIRM NOW.
Then, you will be able to set the event to public.
1. In this same page, change the PUBLIC SALE STATUS dropdown from PRIVATE to PUBLIC.
You can enter a Public Sale Start and Public Sale End date and time if you wish to have sales open on a future date.
If you wish to open sales immediately, and wish to have sales close for each individual event date (rather than closing all sales at one time), leave both fields blank.