How do I cancel my event?

How do I cancel my event?

To cancel the event, you will need to turn off any existing sales, and can export your contact list so you can alert your customers.  To begin, log in to your administrator portal, then access your department by clicking GO TO DEPARTMENT and navigating into your department.  

To turn off existing sales: 

1. Look under the Box Office header on the left side, then click EVENTS
2. Click EVENT MANAGER next to the event you need to cancel. 
3. Click EVENT INFORMATION on the top header bar. 
4. On the right side, you'll see your event's stages. Change the Public Sale Status from PUBLIC to PRIVATE, and turn off SHOW ON HOMEPAGE, then click UPDATE

To download the contact list: 

1. From the Event Manager, click TICKET COUNTS along the header bar. 
2.Click EXPORT EVENT TICKET LIST. This list will be of all ticket purchasers thus far. 

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