Are there fees on refunds?

Are there fees on refunds?

BookTix does NOT charge any additional fees to process a refund!

When refunding, you will need to decide how you wish to handle the processing fee from the initial order, if you had passed that on to the customer. This is because the intitial processing fee will still apply to the order, so if you choose to refund the customer in the entirety, that processing fee will be passed on to you. 

To begin, log in to your administrator account and navigate to your department. 
Then access the order needing a refund either under CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT > CUSTOMER SEARCH TOOL or REPORTS > ORDER HISTORY. 

When you are within the order, you will see the customer and order information at the top, and then two tables below. The first table is Financial Adjustments (receipts, refunds, and exchanges) and the second is Ticket Adjustments (printing & sending tickets, redemptions, canceling). 
Look for the buttons above the first table, and choose either PARTIAL REFUND if you only need to refund some of the order or FULL REFUND if you are refunding the full order. 

If you choose partial refund, uncheck any line items you are not wishing to refund and click CONTINUE TO PARTIAL ORDER REFUND. 
If you choose full refund, click CONTINUE TO FULL ORDER REFUND. 

Partial Refund Process: 

On this page, look under the REFUND TOTAL, and enter the amount you wish to refund - including or not including the processing fee. 

Full Refund Process: 

On this page, look under the REFUND FEES? column. Here, uncheck any fees you wish to KEEP. (If the REFUND FEES box is checked next to a line item, it will be refunded).

And you're done! You've successfully kept or refunded fees as you like! 

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