Before setting up your event, you must add important elements to your account that, when put together, create the event. This includes venues, ticket plans, and seating charts.
A ticket plan is the collection of ticket types used for your event. A ticket type is the name and price set for a specific seat or section of your seating chart.
For example, if you had a yearly cabaret where Adult tickets were $20.00 and Student tickets were $15.00, you can set up a ticket plan called “Cabaret” with those two ticket types and it can be used each time you create the event.
This is what the chart would look like in your account:
While you can only choose one ticket plan in the event's
initial set up, you can change any individual date’s ticket plan.
First, you will want to create the ticket plan by following the steps in the article titled, “How
Do I Add a Ticket Plan?”
Once it’s created, go to BOX OFFICE > EVENTS > EVENT MANAGER > DATE MANAGER, and click the date you would like to update and within that performance, click the edit button:
You can create a new ticket plan or view your existing tickets plans by going to BOX OFFICE > TICKET PLANS in your account.