How do I edit my event or event dates?

How do I edit my event or event dates?

Many of your event based functions live within the Event Manager, including editing your event details or your event dates. First, log in to your administrator portal, and access your department by clicking GO TO DEPARTMENT and navigating into the department that is hosting your event. 
1.  Under the Box Office section in the left side menu, click EVENTS
2. Find your event from the list, then click EVENT MANAGER
3. Use the top navigation bar to go to EVENT INFORMATION. This page will mirror your set up form, including any information entered at that time. 
4. Click EDIT and you can update any overarching information. 

 If you want to edit date specific information (such as ticket plans or seating charts), click DATE MANAGER along the header bar, and in the Date Information tab, click EDIT.  

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