1. Under Box Office Manager along the left side bar, click PRESALES under the Discounts & Presales header.
3. Enter your Presale Details for a One-Time or Multi-use Code
One Time Use Code:
- Title - The private name for this presale for you and your admins, which will not be visible to your customers.
- Public Title - The public name which is visible by your customers when they enter the presale.
- Description - Any additional details needed for the presale.
- Public Status - Determines if the presale is active or inactive.
- Public Start/End Times - The range of dates and times the presale is available.
- Login Required - Requiring customers to login in order to use the presale, preventing customers from using the presale with multiple guest checkouts.
4. Add Events and Items
- Use the dropdown to select the event or item needed, and use the quantity to restrict the maximum unit that can be booked of each event/item. For example: If this is restricted to a quantity of 2 for your event Holiday Cabaret, the presale will only allow 2 tickets to be booked for that event.
- Create your Presale Code based on Type
- One Time Use Code - A unique code that can only be used once, and then the code will be null. (If you would like to create One Time Use Codes, click CREATE PRESALE, and in the next page you will be able to create codes either via a set number, or by an email list.)
- Multi-use Code - A generic, named code that can be used by more than one person.
- Code Name - What the customer will enter to gain access to the presale. For example: AddamsFamilyPresale.
- Max Uses Allowed - The number of times this code can be used overall, regardless of who uses it. For unlimited uses, leave blank.
- Max Uses per Account - The number of times this code can be used per each individual customers' login account (Note: does not include guest accounts). For unlimited uses, leave blank.
Click CREATE PRESALE, and if you have created a multi-use code, you are finished with the presale code's creation, and can skip down to ENABLING THE PRESALE PAGE.
If you have created a one time use code, from the View Presale page, click either GENERATE RANDOM CODES or CREATE CODES VIA EMAIL LIST.
Generate Random Codes will allow you to create a bulk number of codes that you can give out separately.
Create Codes Via Email List will allow you to enter email addresses of customers who are to receive a code, and the system will automatically email them their presale access.
Click CREATE, and your one time use codes are complete!
Note: you must be an organization administrator to enable the presale page function.
1. Click the setting gear on the top right of the page, next to the question bubble and profile icons. Then, click PROFILE AND SETTINGS under the Organization Settings on the left side bar.
2. Scroll toward the bottom of the page, and look under ORGANIZATION SETTINGS.
Here, toggle the "Display "Access Presale" button on customer home page?" field to ON if you wish to have an Access Presale button on the home page. If not, customers will need to access the presale page by going to !
Test your code before giving it out to ensure it functions as you would like it to, and you are set up to use Presale Access!